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First JRP General E-Meeting, 2021
On January 21, fifty-nine scholars representing the 47 countries that are part of our project came together to revise the state of our...
ICA 2021
Wonderful news for our JRP project! The paper “Misperceptions beyond the audience? Discrepancies between journalistic role performance...
JRP's Official Book Launch
Last October 8 we celebrated the publication of our new book "Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performace and News in Comparative...
Claudia Mellado's Interview with Mark Deuze
Our Principal Investigator participated in the Interview Series conducted by Mark Deuze on YouTube with different media and journalism...
Our New JRP Book is Ready for Pre-order
The final edits to the proofs of our new JRP book “Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective” are...
New JRP Project Paper Published in The International Journal of Press/Politics
Great news for our project! Our paper “Investigating the Gap Between Newspaper Journalists' Role Conceptions and Role Performance in...
JRP Project Second Wave fieldwork is under way!
A BIG milestone for our project. After a year of hard work made by the 49 countries that are part of our study, today we start our...
ICA 2020/ Australia
Great news for our project! The panel “Journalistic Cultures in the 21st Century: Lessons Learned from the First Wave of the Journalistic...
Finishing our 2019 training process with nine countries in the Middle East
With our visit to the Middle East, we successfully wrapped up our training process for 2019, a process in which our chair Claudia...
Successful JRP summer workshops season
Paris, Madrid, Rome, Cartagena de Indias, Belgrade, and Poznan. Six cities and six fabulous workshops conducted between July and...
New publication: How does the press perform its watchdog role around the world?
The article ¨Detached or Interventionist? Comparing the Performance of Watchdog Journalism in Transitional, Advanced and Non-democratic...
Explaining the Conception-Performance Gap Across Nations at AEJMC
The paper ´Explaining the Gap Between Journalist’s Role Conception and Media Role Performance. A Cross-National Comparison´ authored by...
More wonderful news for our project!
The paper ` The interplay between actual performance, reported behaviors and self-perception of journalists as political actors: A...
Book Review: Journalistic Role Performance: Concepts, Contexts, and Methods
by Claudia Mellado, Lea Hellmueller, and Wolfgang Donsbach, eds AUTHOR Risto Kunelius The idea of professions, as every journalism...
ECPR General Conference, Wrocław 2019
The paper ´ The Role Performance of Journalists as Political Actors: Comparing Differences in the Hybridization of Journalistic Cultures...
IAMCR 2019
The paper ‘The Gap Between Reported Journalistic Behaviors and Role Performance in the news: A cross-national comparison in Europe, Latin...
ICA 2019/ Washington DC
The paper Ideal System Typologies, Convergence or Hybridization? Journalistic Role Performance in Six Advanced Democracies has been...
Official launching of the JRP Project (Second Wave)
The Second Wave of the JRP project was launched last December, and it includes more than 45 countries, covering North America, Latin...
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